How To Get Rid Of Hair Lice Inside Your Home


How To Get Rid Of Hair Lice Inside Your Home

How to Remove Lice from Your Home

Lice can spread from your body to surrounding objects including clothing, towels, and headgear. However, because they depend on human blood to exist, they are short-lived once they have left your body. To get rid of lice in your home, use these recommendations:

Apply heat.

Any objects the person uses or wears should be washed in hot water and dried on a high heat setting. When exposed to temperatures above 130 F for more than five minutes, lice and nits perish. Wash all clothing, including jackets, hats, scarves, pillowcases, sheets, and headbands, that came into contact with the person's skin or scalp.

goods in plastic bags. Put the goods in a plastic bag for two weeks if you can't wash and dry them.

Vacuum. To get rid of hairs that may contain live lice eggs attached, vacuum rugs, sofas, upholstery, other furniture, and floors.

tidy hair tools For five to ten minutes, soak brushes, combs, and other hair accessories in hot, soapy water.

Use neither pesticide sprays nor fogs. Inhaling or absorbing these fogging treatments through your skin might be harmful.

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