What Causes Large Pores ?

The major reasons why the pores increase in size are Oil (sebum) output is at an all-time high. Pore elasticity has been reduced. Hair follicles that are dense. Heredity or genetics,s un damage. Noncomedogenic cosmetics.
PS: you cannot get rid of large pores, however it is possible to minimize their appearance.


How To Minimize Large Pores ?

  1. Hydration and moisturizing is very crucial, even tho you have an oily skin, that tends to get greasy in the morning throughout the night or the evening throughout the day ,neglecting hydration actually makes your pores appear larger and visible. You can use some key ingredients in your skincare such as hyaluronic acid and glycerin, 
  2. Manage your face's sebum production especially in summer or high temperature areas, since your skin is dehydrated, it produces more oil to compensate the water loss, what you can do is try to keep your body temperature cool, and take care of your dehydrated skin by drinking water , using matcha or green tea is helpful as well as keeping a sheet mask in fridge helps, or use another key ingredient like Niancinamide to control your sebum production, it could be in your toner, your serum.

  3. Avoid Pore strips, they irritate the skin , and they actually do not remove the whole blackhead,as well as pushing or squeezing aggressively can damage skincells causing scarring.
  4. Remove your makeup properly, using the double cleansing method is very efficient to remove the makeup and dirt from your face without stripping it nor irritating it, you can use oil makeup remover or balms and avoid using makeup wipes, first they are not eco friendly, second, they irritate your skin on the long run.

  5. Use BHA+ hydrating clay masks , however avoid using it everyday , 1-2 times a week is more than enough, we don't want to cause dryness.
  6. Wear less makeup, the chances to clog your pores during summertime are very high, concealer or bb cream are good 
  7. Wear your sunscreen, and do not forget to reapply it every 2 hours, DERMATOLOGY broad spectrum spf 45 it leaves a whitecast on the other hand there is larocheposay anthelios spf 60 doesn't leave a whitecast and it is a chemical sunscreen, these sunscreen are recommended for oily skin.
  8. Check to see if any of your items are noncomedogenic. This indicates that they are made of water. If you have oily skin, you should avoid comedogenic (oil-based) products. Excessive oil can result in enlarged pores.


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