How To Get Rid Of Strawberry Legs

 How To Get Rid Of Strawberry Legs 

What Are Strawberry Legs ?

You may have strawberry legs if you've observed dark spots on your legs that resemble little black dots. The spotty appearance , which mimics the skin and seeds of a strawberry,Hence what inspired the name.

Strawberry legs, on the other hand, may return more frequently and be more difficult to treat in those with thicker body hair, deeper skin pigmentation, and extra hair follicle issues.

If this is the case, professional treatment may be the most effective way to provide long-term symptom relief.

What Causes Strawberry Skin?

-After shaving, the follicle or clogged pore is revealed, and air reaches the oil inside, which oxidizes and turns dark, this can happen anywhere on your body, not only your legs, shaving quickly or using the same old razor or shaving without moisturizing can lead to a strawberry legs 

-Folliculitis is a frequent skin disorder that causes irritated hair follicles. A bacterial or fungal infection is generally to blame. especially when there is a friction or rubbing because of tight clothes, it leads to small red bumps or white-headed pimples appearance which causes strawberry legs.

-Keratosis pilaris is a benign skin condition that causes dry, rough patches and little bumps on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks, and buttocks. The lumps are normally painless and itchless. 

How To Prevent strawberry Legs?

1-choosing a moisturizer that has an alpha hydroxy acids, can be helpful since they are very good for dry skin I would recommend CeraVe SA Lotion 

2-Exfoliate your skin,Strawberry legs can be reduced and ingrown hairs can be avoided by gently exfoliating dead skin cells from the surface of your legs. I would recommend moroccan loofah glove or Sugar since it includes alpha hydroxy acid, which makes it a natural exfoliant. This alpha hydroxy acid reduces strawberry legs by eliminating debris, keratin, sebum, and ingrown hair that block pores and follicles.
3-Shaving properly and carefully with a moisturizing shave lotion or cream

4-Using an epilator that grabs and removes hair from the root. It can also assist to avoid skin damage.

How To Make A HomeMade Sugar Scrub ?

You'll need a pinch of sugar or coffee grounds, a drop of olive or coconut oil, and half a lemon's juice. Mix everything together, rub it on your legs, and wait a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You should replace your loofah on a regular basis.

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