Does Panoxyl Help With Back Acne ?


Does Panoxyl Help With Back Acne ?

The answer is Yes, It does help with back acne and acne in general 

The question is How, and Why does PanOxyl help ? Because simply, it has Benzoyl peroxide , it is a topical medication used to treat acne, particularly mild acne. It is available over-the-counter and does not require a prescription, and it is believed to help battle acne by lowering the bacteria that causes acne.
Benzoyl peroxide can also be used as a preventive treatment for rashes by eliminating the bacteria that causes these inflammations. Since pimples and cysts are caused by clogged pores, additional benefits should be mentioned. Moreover, the exfoliating aspect of it helps eliminate impurities, dead cells, and extra sebum.

First of all, acne isn't a hygiene issue, despite what some individuals with flawless skin may claim. You also want to start treatment as soon as possible. Simply taking more showers won't make it go away. Postponing treatment might cause acne to return as scars, which are more difficult and costly to heal.
Treating the bacteria, dead skin cells, and excess oil that produce the acne is the best way to cure back acne. 

How to use PanOxyl on your backacne ?

Use it every day in the shower for best results. Here's how to do it: Put some lukewarm water on your back or chest or any area that has acne . Use  your hands, apply  the cleanser and gently massage it into your skin for two minutes After a thorough rinse, pat dry.When using PanOxyl  to treat acne on your back and neck, be advised that many people have experienced discoloration of their clothing. In particular, cotton fades easily, so avoid wearing it and make sure your clothes are clean.

When Will I See Results Using Panoxyl For Back acne ?

Approximately one month later, the initial effects become visible. Keep in mind that the treatment may cause burning sensations and that the skin will be significantly dry for the first three weeks. After four to six weeks of treatment, improvements will be noticeable. After three months, your skin will be more healthier and free of imperfections.

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